HCL Commerce Architecture (key takeaways)

HCL Commerce has moved away from monolith to micro-service architecture for the version 9.

Docker are utilized to support this architecture. And since there is a signicant number of docker container are used, container orchestration system such as Kubernetes are utilized.

Container Architecture

Presentation Layer

This layer covers both the Storefront (in v9.1, Emerald for B2C, and Sapphire for B2B) and the Tools such as the management center. Transaction server and Search Server is used by the presentation layer to trigger the required functionality.

The storefront are built using React.js, which is a Single Page Application library using Typescript. While the management tool uses Spring framework.

Control Layer

Uses Model-View-Controller architecture and Uses Strut Framework

More information on this at HCL Commerce Struts framework.

Business Logic Layer

There are 4 design patterns used for the Business Object Document (BOD):

Persistence Layer

The layer that access the database. Data Service Layers contains all the SQL scripts to query the database. the BOD from the Business Logic Layer uses the data service layer to get the required data from the database.

Run Engine Framework

Provides predefined commands that yu can use to change environment parameters or container configurations. It can be use to update Websphere Application Server JVM parameters.