Docker Community Edition (CE) – Installation and Docker Kitematic for Windows 10 Professional

This entry is to get quickly started with Docker Community Edition for Windows 10 Professional. This is not a detailed Docker Guide, but highlights the important ones.

Things To Download

Download the Docker Desktop for Windows 10 Professional using the link below.

After installation, 3 programs will be installed:

  • Docker Desktop – This is the main application to use
  • Docker Kitematic – Currently in Alpha mode as of July 2020. Optionally, you can use your Docker Hub account, sign-up first if you do not have an account yet.
  • Docker Quickstart Terminal

Windows 10 Professional

Note: You may need to do other things other than the details below, but i recommend do the step below before doing anything else, as this part is quite troublesome if it doesn’t work properly.

Hyper-V features should be enabled before working with Docker Desktop for Windows 10 Professional. To enable Hyper-V features, run Windows Powershell as Administrator, then type in:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

The installation will take a few minutes, then it might require a restart before it can work. After the restart, you should be able to run the Docker Desktop successfully.

Docker Kitematic

This application gets you onboard to Docker real fast, it hides all those technical stuff under the hood. I recommend this if you wanted to play around with Docker. Still, knowing the details is important, so do not rely on Kitematic very much.

Below is a screenshot of the Docker Kitematic, wherein you can use to browse and use docker images from the Docker Hub.

Each Docker Images can have different kinds of options. You can always use the default one of course, but try to explore the tags if you are looking for specific version (that’s the 3 dots button before the “Create” button).

Below is a sample docker image from “hello-world-nginx” i have created. It automatically runs after creation.

Explore the “Settings” of the image to see some parameters that you might want to know or configure such as environment variables, port, network and volumes. As an example, i check the port used by the container:

Visiting the address http://localhost:32769 will display the default page that is running under the container i am using: